IFR 1900 FM AM Communications Service Monitor


Engineered for maximum performance, the IFR-1900 CSA is an all in one PCS solution for today’s dual band/dual mode mobile and base station equipment.


IFR 1900 CSA Key Features:

  • The industry accepted simulator for TIA/EIA-136 conformance testing Tri-Band, 400/800 MHz and 1900 MHz PCS test capable
  • Comprehensive TIA/EIA-136 conformance testing
  • Analog and digital authentication compliance testing option TIA/EIA-136 hyperband handoff
  • Fully automated remote testing ability with RS-232 or IEEE-488 (GPIB) interfaces
  • Intuitive test set up screens for easy Guided user testing VSELP and ACELP vocoder functions allow verification of voice quality
  • Full featured 2 GHz service monitor with spectrum analyzer and tracking generator
  • Standard constellation IQ display for quick assessment of digital mobile or base station transmitter modulation
Fully Featured TIA/EIA-136 (TDMA) Test Solution

The IFR-1900 CSA provides you with the industry’s only accepted test solution for TIA/EIA-136 analysis, including critical adjacent power measurements and power measurements down to -40 dBm, which allows the user to test the base station without taking it off-line. It is capable of performing the critical dual-mode analog/digital authentication and protocol compliance tests for TIA/EIA-136 dual mode mobiles. As for flexibility, the IFR-1900 CSA provides the capability to perform both mobile and base station conformance testing. And with the VSELP and ACELP vocoder technology as standard features, the IFR-1900 CSA can handle today’s latest technology. The IFR-1900 CSA comes with a wide array of application software options. The AC1036 Protocol Conformance Test Software provides an excellent way to verify software conformance of TIA/EIA-136 mobiles. Other applications software supports automated tests for the most widely used base station applications. AMPS Solutions Engineered to be a true dual-mode test solution, the IFR-1900 CSA also incorporates AMPS and NAMPS mobile and base station compliance test features. Automatic test routines and user defined print outs enhance manual mode testing for both mobiles and base stations. Open control channel simulations, voice channel signaling, home/roam condition, home SID, SAT, DSAT, DST, DCC, SINAD reference points, RF power windows, and other AMPS/NAMPS functions and signaling routines allow complete AMPS and NAMPS system testing.

A Full Complement of Service Monitor

Functions to 2 GHz. The IFR-1900 CSA gives you full frequency domain analysis to 2 GHz with a fully featured spectrum analyzer and tracking generator built-in. The IFR-1900 CSA also offers a full complement of standard service monitor features including a full span digitized oscilloscope to 1 MHz, DVM and SINAD functions, frequency and channel tables, selectable IF filters, and a wide variety of displays. In addition to the 2 GHz RF generator, the IFR-1900 CSA also provides full audio/data generator capabilities, full level control and measurement facilities and precision power control features for enhanced sensitivity and high accuracy testing needs. Analog paging encoding/decoding, DTMF, tone coded squelch, digital squelch, AM modulation/demodulation along with two separate AF generators and cross band duplex gives added test versatility in a variety of wireless systems.

Software Options Make Complex Testing Simple

As with every IFR test set, you get the advantage of IFR applications engineering support. Our comprehensive portfolio of application software options are designed to automate and expand the functionality of your instrument. Plus, on-going software support means that you can easily upgrade your IFR-1900 CSA when test and service requirements change.

  • AC1009W – EasySpanTM is a Windows based software utility which extracts spectrum analyzer and tracking generator traces from the IFR-1900 CSA.
  • AC1017 – AutoCell-Series II is a comprehensive program for FCC compliance testing of Lucent Series II cell sites.
  • AC1019 – EasySweepTM is a swept measurement utility designed to test antennas and transmission line.
  • AC1020D – AutoCell NTD provides automated testing of Northern Telecom cell sites.
  • AC1021 – CellScanTM cellular utility software simplifies combiner alignment, monitoring RF levels and base stations on DAMPS, NT400 or PCS cellular channel sets.
  • AC1027 – AutoCell-882/884 is an autotest program for performing acceptance tests on Ericsson 884/882/882D/882M/882DM base stations.
Dynamic IQ Constellation Display Simplifies Analysis

The IFR-1900 CSA provides you with a dynamic constellation display for precise RF modulation analysis of DQPSK digitally modulated waveforms from 10 MHz to 2010 MHz. This unique IFR-1900 CSA feature gives a near real time display for testing and troubleshooting, an ability that points out the cause of the trouble in digital radios. IQ Constellation display allows for comprehensive digital modulation testing.

Complex Functionality Made Easy

Even with its elaborate capabilities, the IFR-1900 CSA was developed to execute complex tests simply and with minimal operator training. Using field-proven front panel and user man-machine interfaces, the IFR-1900 CSA gives you the performance and ease-of-use features that reduces your testing and training time. Its test macro command programming language (TMAC) can be easily configured to perform automatic base station testing and remote terminal, single and multimode, single and multiband equipment. This powerful capability allows you to create and save simple one button test routines for future use. This flexibility means you can create and execute complex and repeatable routines no matter what your level of expertise. A new color VGA display gives IFR-1900 CSA users vivid screen clarity. Extensive use of softkeys reduces your complex cellular / PCS parametric and protocol tests to fast, simple and manageable routines.

Weight 48 lbs
Dimensions 25 × 18.8 × 7.4 in